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Crush It In Sales

Dec 30, 2020

More and more evidence that it's OK to walk away....

Thanks for listening!

Follow on: FB, LI or IG melinda_vanfleet

Monday Mojo Inspiration at:

Other podcast- Good Karma Success Coach




Dec 23, 2020


Heading into 2021- have you ever taken a few minutes to write out a Confidence Manifesto?

Check out this episode for some ideas and my example to help you crush it in 2021!

Happy Holidays!

Thank you for listening and sharing!

Connect on LI, FB or IG melinda_vanfleet

Monday Mojo Inspiration:

Dec 16, 2020

In this week's episode I reference a great book I am reading- NLP The Essential Guide. Authors- Tom Hoobyar, Tom Dotz and Susan Sanders.

Sharing my Tony Robins event story, the courses I wish I hadn't bought back in 2018, and how it relates to NLP.

Also 4 Habits that we all can practice that have attributed to success...

Dec 9, 2020


As we are quickly heading into 2021- 

What are you saying to yourself?

This podcast is about setting confidence goals. 

Noticing what your thoughts and self-talk as you are setting your goals for 2021.

Thank you for listening and sharing!

Connect on LI, FB or IG melinda_vanfleet

Monday Mojo Newsletter-

Dec 2, 2020

What kind of action taker are you?

Sharing a clip that was from the Good Karma Success Coach Podcast Episode 100- conversation with Spiritual Life & Business Coach Joanna Hunter.

Joanna is the creator of My Million Dollar Experiment which starts January 1, 2021.  It's a global manifestation experiment that sounds very...