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Crush It In Sales

Nov 29, 2021

Let's face it- we all have hits AND misses in our lives and business.

Things we did or bought that we scratched our heads in hindsight and wish we could have a do-over.

This year marketing was a big one for me. I openly share those hindsights, not only to share what lessons I took away and how it made me stronger, but...

Nov 22, 2021

Releasing this now as I share more about the upcoming 6 Week Group Program—Beyond Basic Sales Strategy & Success, which I am super excited about! Kicks off 11/30/21.

In this podcast, I share experiences and thoughts about being in the energy and what lights you up from a more tactical "doing" experience.

In this weeks...

Nov 16, 2021

Welcome Back— Crush It In Sales Podcast!!

It's been a minute and this podcast episode shares the journey back to home. I talk about Human Design, energetics, letting go, and feeling good with decisions- sales, life, business.

Thank you for listening!


I absolutely recommend checking out Ana Luisa...

Nov 10, 2021

Moved fast on this podcast- so you have your seatbelt on!

Sharing about:

  • The new Wisdom app vs. Clubhouse
  • Repurposing
  • Social Media and energy
  • Walking the walk on social media and coaching

Thanks for listening and sharing!


Wish to connect more?

  • Ready to Grow Your Online Business?...

Nov 3, 2021

I am covering a lot of bases in this podcast!

  • Why write?
  • Update on Medium and my new program!
  • My thoughts on coaching and what's happening out there.

Links I mention: