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Crush It In Sales

Aug 26, 2020

5th Draft turned in! In this podcast episode I recap some of the journey for our (Ryan and I ) chapter in the 4th Annual Best Selling Book Series- Brilliant Breakthroughs For The Small Business Owner.

The book comes out 11/11.  We are so excited!

If you are looking to start a new project- also listen for some mindset...

Aug 19, 2020


Are you setting boundaries or are you a people pleaser?

I talk about boundaries a lot and believe so strongly in setting boundaries.  It can be a game changer.  We often hear talk about boundaries in regards to time management or protecting your energy.

In this podcast- I share my stories of setting boundaries so...

Aug 12, 2020


Keeping it real on this podcast...

Story share (a few stories) and bucket tool tips on how to deal with bad clients and customers.

Thank you for listening!

Check out my other podcast- The Good Karma Success Coach

Follow on IG, LI or FB.  @melinda_vanfleet


Aug 5, 2020


Jake and Becca Berton have built an incredible brand of floating sunglasses called Rheos.

Wanted to share some highlights from my conversation with Jake as I recently interviewed him for the chapter my husband Ryan (Good Karma Sportfishing) and I are co-authoring for the best selling book series Brilliant...